Wednesday 3 August 2011

Follow up CQC Visit

Nobody  that works for the Trust was untouched by the  CQC visit  in March , the consequences of that visit were far reaching and challenging  for all. Whilst disappointing  the   reaction of  all staff across all  disciplines  has been magnificent reinforcing  the commitment of staff  in  this  Trust  to providing the  highest standards of care, which has been acknowledged publicly and widely by the Board. 

I personally  want to acknowledge the  tremendous effort  of staff to  re-affirm to the local  community and public at large that we  want to ensure that everybody  who accesses our services receives  the best care that we  can give. The  initial visit  by the CQC demonstrated that we don't always get it right  but what got lost in the aftermath was the acknowledgment     of the good care that was seen during that first visit and that we are constantly striving to get it right each time, every time.

I list below some of the positive comments  from the  CQC's recent follow up  visit which   shows what we can do.

''At both hospitals we saw staff engaging positively with patients and being calm and attentive to people's needs. People were all spoken to in an appropriate manner and called by their preferred form of address. In one case we heard a member of the medical team asking a patient if they wanted them to revisit later in the day as they were anxious and may need further reassurance.''

''In another example we observed two staff supporting a person to get up in the morning and they spent approximately 45 minutes with them. The staff provided lots of encouragement and reassurance throughout this time and were very attentive to the person's needs and respected their privacy and dignity.''

''We observed one nurse speaking to a patient saying 'the doctor has told me that you are a bit upset this morning, is there anything I can do for you?' The nurse continued to provide lots of reassurance and let the person know that family members had been in touch and would be visiting shortly. When they had arrived staff made sure they updated them on the situation.''

What we have learnt from this experience can be put to use in our ongoing work to ensure compliance against all the CQC standards with which we must comply. I  have listed below those other  standards  that  we need to focus on in the months ahead.

1     Respecting & involving people who use services
2     Consent to care and treatment
4     Care and welfare of people who use services
5     Meeting nutritional needs
6     Cooperating with other providers
7     Safeguarding people who use services from abuse
8     Cleanliness and infection control
9     Management of medicines
10    Safety and suitability of premises
11    Safety, availability and suitability of equipment
12    Requirements relating to workers
13    Staffing
14    Supporting workers
16    Accessing and monitoring the quality of service provision
17    Complaints
21    Records

Thank you
Best Wishes 

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